On Friday December 14, our last meeting of the year was held and it was a joyous occasion. The meeting was called to order by Walt Shreve and the minutes and treasurers report were given by Mike Burkett. Richard Cutter was honored as Beekeeper or the Year 2007 for all the good work and generous gifts he has given to club members as drawing winners. Charlotte Folk and her daughter performed a skit and it was very humerous and was enjoyed by all present. We sang several Christmas songs and had refreshments. Our new club officers for 2008 were introduced and they are as follows: Steve Martin -President, Fred Litton-Vice President and Mike Burkett as Secretary- Treasurer. Walt Shreve 12/16/2007
At the final meeting of 2007, the Allegheny Mountain Beekeepers Association awarded Richard Cutter the selection as the 2007 Beekeeper of the Year. This is a new award and it will be awarded each year in December. Richard has been a long standing AMBA member and club officer and has graciously done a lot to support the club in 2007. He supplied many door prizes for the club including nucs and hives. These are great prizes and really increase the raffle activity at our meetings. So congratulations to Richard on being awarded the 2007 Beekeeper of the Year. Each year the name of the current year's winner will be added to the plaque.
Welcome! This blog is for the Allegheny Mountain Beekeepers Association. Please contact Steven Martin by email at stevenmartin@frontiernet.net , or call 304.822.3878, to get added as a blog author to post to the blog. The purpose of the blog is to provide a journal and record of AMBA meetings and activities beginning in December 2007. Feel free to contact any of the AMBA officers as needed.